BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Category,Artists Series,Category,Community Events,Category,Fine and Performing Arts,Category,Student Events,Location,Henderson Fine Arts Center,featured,Yes DESCRIPTION:WÖR (pronounced ‘were’) is a band of five musicians whose curiosity, passion and talent has led to a niche goldmine of melodies in stunning contemporary arrangements. With their finely textured arrangements WÖR injects new energy into 18th-century melodies from the Flanders region of Belgium. Their music shines an inventive spotlight, with a modern twist, on the melodies in these manuscripts.They released 3 albums ('Back to the 1780's' (2015), 'Sssht' (2017) and 'ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú Towers' (2021) and toured in Europe, Australia, Canada & the US (including the National Folk Festival, Musikfestspiele Potsdam Sanssouci, Concertgebouw Brugge, Sunfest, Shetland folk festival..). In August 2018 they won the German award 'Preis der Deutschen Schallplattenkritik' with their album 'Sssht'. In 2021 they were nominated for 'Best live band' at the Flemish Folk Awards' and their album ‘ÁÔÆæÖØ¿Ú Towers’ made it into the ‘World Music Charts Europe’. Admissions General Public: $15 Student: $5 SJC Employees: $12 Senior/Encore: $12 Date November 7, 2024 Time 7:00 pm Location Henderson Fine Arts Center Buy Tickets DTSTAMP:20250104T170051 DTSTART:20241107T190000 DTEND:20241107T210000 LOCATION:Henderson Fine Arts Center SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:WÖR END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR