BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 BEGIN:VEVENT CATEGORIES:Category,Community Events,Category,Native American Center,Category,Student Events,Location,Henderson Fine Arts Center, Room 9012,featured,Yes DESCRIPTION:In 1942, the United States Marine Corps selected 29 Navajo men to create a code based on the Navajo language and are commonly referred as Navajo Code Talkers. An excerpt from the book, “Navajo Code Talkers have often been questioned about why they wanted to fight in a war to help the US government – the same government that removed the Dine’ from their homelands and forced them to attend boarding schools. War creates an imbalance for individuals and their connection to their homelands. War goes against hozho, the traditional Dine’ teaching of balance. Some Navajo Code Talkers enlisted in order to restore balance, protect their homelands, and help end the war.” Date November 11, 2024 Time 11:30 am Location Henderson Fine Arts Center, Room 9012 For more information, email or call (505) 566-3321. DTSTAMP:20250306T202923 DTSTART:20241111T113000 DTEND:20241111T133000 LOCATION:Henderson Fine Arts Center, Room 9012 SUMMARY;LANGUAGE=en-us:Storytelling with Navajo Author, Danielle Burbank END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR